In April 2012 the students from Türkey, Italy and Germany visited us in Vejle!

The program:

23.4              Ankunft der Gäste.  SchülerInnen kommen mit den Wirtsfamilien zusammen; die Lehrer ins Hotel; eventuell Essen für die Lehrer im Restaurant (Eigenzahlung).

24.4              8:30           Brötchen/Kaffe
                                       Offizielle Begrüßung durch Schuldirektor Hans Erik Duschek-Hansen.

9:30          Workshop/Teamwork zum Thema "Brücken" – 7 Gruppen zu je 10 Schüler  Basis: Gruppen der Klasse 2f.
                                    -   Brückentypen;  Stärken und Schwächen der verschiedenen Typen.
               -   Dreieck – und Rohrkonstruktion; Brücken aus Pasta; etwas Starkes aus etwas Schwachem bauen.

                    11:15 – 12:00  Lunch in der Kantine (Eigenzahlung)

                                       -   Wer sind wir, und woher kommen wir?
                -   Besuch der Brücke über die Vejle Förde; Spaziergang unter der Leitung von  Gruppen der Klasse 2f  (Englisch/Deutsch)

13:30             Busfahrt (Eigenzahlung) zu den beiden Brücken über den Kleinen Belt.       Schüler der Klasse 2f erzählen von den Brücken(Englisch/Deutsch).

15:30              Zurück nach Rødkilde.

Abends          Die SchülerInnen sind bei der Wirtsfamilie                                                                                           Die Lehrer: eventuell  Konzert im Vejle Musikteater (DKK 90.-)

25.4               9:00           Fahrradausflug auf dem Pfad 'Bindeballestien' zur  'Ravningbrücke';
                                        Aufgaben während der Fahrt.
                                        Aufgabe: Konstruktion einer neuen Brücke über das Ravning Auetal.

                     15:30         Zurück nach Rødkilde.
                  Abends         Die SchülerInnen sind bei der Wirtsfamilie                                                                                                                            
                                       Die Lehrer: frei.

26.4     8:30 -  13:00        Gruppearbeit über die Präsentation; 15 Gruppen zu je 5 Schülern.

                                         Die Aufgabe vom Mittwoch Nachmittag wird beschrieben oder in Modell   gefertigt. (Materialien werden gestellt)
                                    Wettbewerb:                       die schönste Brücke
                                                                        die stärkste Brücke (höchste Belastbarkeit)
                                                                        die längste Spannweite

                  13:00 – 14:00     Präsentation/Vernissage ; die 3 Gewinner werden gekürt.
                  14:00     Pause
                  17:30     Essen in der Kantine/ Abschluss
                  18:30 – 22:00     Teatercafé /Dramaunterhaltung mit SchülerInnen von Rødkilde.

27.4                          Rückreise.

Teilnehmer:        Tyskland: 21 SchülerInnen, 4 Lehrer (Ankunft: Montag Vor/Nachmittag)
                  Italien:     10 SchülerInnen, 5 Lehrer (Ankunft : Montag Abend, etwa 20 Uhr)
                  Türkei:    3 SchülerInnen, 2 Lehrer (Ankunft: Montag Nachmittag, etwa 17Uhr)

The students were building bridges, both cultural and real bridges (from pasta).

Work in progress...

Creative students

In the end, the best bridge was found

The delegation from Turkey

Biking and seeing bridges in Jutland
- If you follow this link, you can see a better version of the video from the biking activity. Otherwise click below

To prepare for the Comenius visit in Denmark, we had been studying bridges in our physics classes, and in order to communicate our knowledge to the students from other countries, we had been training our vocabulary in the German lessons:

Titel 3

Med baggrund i hæftet Øresundsbroen fra fipnet (se linket til timen 22/11)med vægt på delene: 10.1 Temaer: 10.13, 10.14, 10.15, 10.2 Opgaver:A3, C4, C5, C6,
Trekants-og firkantskonstruktion (kvalitativ)
A4 rør (hvilket er det stærkeste?)
En bjælke belastes. Hookes lov.
Bjælkers blødhed

Ekskursion til Langenæsbroerne fredag den 20/1-2012

Links: - her kan I bla. finde materiale om konkrete broer


Comenius visit in Naples Italy
From October 22th to October 26th, we all went to sunny Naples.
The Italians had prepared a very interesting program:
1.     “The symbolic meaning of the bridge in the Neapolitan crib”
2.     “Vivara: the bridge of discord”
3.     “Bagnoli : the bridge of future”
1)     Each group – 6 students x 10 groups – will submit 4 photos maximum , one photo for each bridge, and will explain their meaning during the projection.
2)     The digital photos  - JPG format file – will be handed in to prof.ssa Spano, Italian coordinator, on October 25th 2012 at 14.30 and will be projected onto a screen (Aula Magna)
3)     The best 4 photos – one photo for each bridge – will win the competition.

Monday   22.10.2012
GERMANY         h 15.25
DENMARK         h 16.00
TURKEY             h 10. 45
Partner students and teachers arrive
Accommodation of students with families
Accommodation of teachers at Hotel
Europa (Corso Meridionale)

h 20.00
Teachers’ dinner  (Pizza)
“Ristorante Mimì” piazza Garibaldi

Tuesday   23.10.2012
h 8. 00

h 9.30
Teachers and students meet at school “Liceo Statale  “P. Villari 
Aula Magna
Welcoming speexh for partner teachers and students
·       Vision of a DVD about the city of Naples
·       Visit of the school

h 10.30
Tour of Naples’ historic centre
  1. San Lorenzo Maggiore with English speaking guide
  2. San Gregorio Armeno “The symbolic meaning of the bridge in the Neapolitan crib” 
Price for each student and teacher with English speaking guide     € . 5.00

h 13.00
- Lunch ( Historic centre)
“Pizzeria Di Matteo” frittura all’italiana”
Individual payment
h 15.00
Tour of the city of Naples
Piazza San Domenico Maggiore - Piazza del Gesù  - via Roma, Galleria Umberto, Piazza del Plebiscito, Castel dell’Ovo, Borgo marinaro,  via Caracciolo, Mergellina.

h 19.30 
Students return to families
Underground   Mergellina - piazza Garibaldi

Undergrounfd fare
                                        €  1.20
 (For each teacher /  student)

For  the day 23.10.2012
TOTAL PRICE for each student and teacher  .6.20
h 20,00
Ristorante “Pasqualino” Piazza Sannazzaro

Individual payment

Wednesday  24.10.2012

h   8.00

Teachers and students meet at school (Germany – Turkey – Italy)

h   8.15  
Danish partners to be met outside McDonald at Piazza Garibaldi Station

h   8.30  

Underground Piazza Garibaldi - Montesanto               
Return underground fare
                                      €  1.60
 ( for each teacher / student )
h   9.00  
Cumana Montesanto - Pozzuoli         

h   10.15 
Departure of ferry Pozzuoli - Procida
Return fare                 €  16.00
 (For each teacher / student )
h   10.45
 Arrival at Procida  

Associazione Vivara
On foot along via Vittorio Emanuele: 1 km  - 15 minutes
Cost                                 3.00 
 (each student)
( for Associazione Vivara’s contribution)
11.00 –h 12.00
Presentation of the association and of  the isle of Vivara - the question of “Vivara : the bridge of discord” (in English)

Packed lunch

h 13.00
Bus to Vivara (public transport)
  Return bus fare             1.60 
(for each teacher / student)
h 13.10– 15.00 
Meeting with authorities  - Visit of the Isle of Vivara – Nature Reserve - with English speaking guide

h 15. 00  
Return by bus (associazione Vivara)

h 15.30 - h 17.00
Coricella -Terra murata -  Harbour  (on foot)

h 17.55
 Departure of ferry Procida -Napoli

h 18.55
Arrival in Naples (partner students return home with the hosting students / parents)
Return to the hotel . Tram n.1 Poggioreale (Piazza Garibaldi stop)

Tram fare                      € 1.20
(for each teacher / student)

For  the day 24.10.2012
TOTAL PRICE for each student  .24.00
for each teacher  21.00

Teachers - freeevevening

Thursday  25.10.2012

h 8.00
Teachers and students meet at school “Liceo Statale P. Villari”
Vision of DVD
  1. “Nisida: the bridge of hope”
  2. “Bagnoli: the bridge of future”

h. 8.30
Private bus
 Parco Virgiliano  (View)

h. 10.00
Tour of the isle of Nisida – Juvenile Prison –
“ Nisida: the bridge of hope”
Price for each student  - with English speaking guide -
For  the day 25.10.2012
h 12.30
“Bagnoli : the bridge of future ”

h 13,30
Return to IMS “Villari” Napoli (aula magna)

h 15.00-
The best four photos will be chosen by Daniele Veneri -  23 years old – former student of IMS”P. Villari” – Neapolitan reporter  (he did a photo reportage about Bon Pastor district in Barcelona for

Awarding of the best four photos

h 20.00

Friday      26.10.2012

Since the theme of this meeting was the symbolic meaning of bridges, we had spend time in history classes, preparing presentations for this:

The get a better knowledge of Naples and Italy, we had also been doing a compared study between  
 the danish historical event "Kanslergadeforliget 1933" and the present economical crisis in DK, versus the Italian economy and the political crisis in the 1920 time period.

Pictures from Naples:

Turkey february 2013
Unfortunately we were not able to join the rest of the group in Turkey, but that did not stop us from addressing Turkey in the classes!
We were spending time in social science classes discussing and investigating the question: Are Turkey a part of Europe, and what is stopping Turkey from being a part of the European Union?

Turkey - a part of Europe

Global Politik; sider: 82-96
Tyrkiet - historie, samfund, religion (udvalgte sider udleveret som kopi i kompendium); sider: 65-88, 90-95
Lektien er en notebookfil (vedhæftet timen) om Kulturteorier af følgende teoretikere: Gert Hofstede, Edward T. Hall og Richard Gesteland

Links: - Link til base indeholdende data om et stort antal lande, herunder Tyrkiet og Danmark (dvs. mulighed for at sammenligne data) - Hjemmeside med forskellige statistiske data om verdens lande, herunder Tyrkiet

IP teoriernes forklaring på nutidige problemer opg 1.docx
IP teoriernes forklaring på nutidige problemer opg. 2.docx
Arbejdsopgaver faktaark del 2.docx
EU baggrund nr 8 2004 EU og Tyrkiet - EU oplysningen.pdf
Tyrkiet kompendie.pdf
Komparativ undersøgelse - faktaark om nationale forskelle DK og Tyrkiet.docx
kulturmødet teori og modeller.notebook
Tyrkisk vs dansk kultur - interkulturelle kompetencer.docx

The final meeting i Schleswig

From april 15th to 19th, a reduced group of Roedkilde students went to Schleswig with our Comenius-teachers Alex and Lisbeth.

Below you can se the program:

Monday, 15.4.
Tuesday, 16.4.
Wednesday, 17.4.
Thursday (18.4.)
Friday (19.4.)

RO: Sunday 14.4.!!!

8.30 am
Welcome + general information
+ visit of the school and the town in small
Groups (Mensa)

10.00 town hall/mayor
(only teachers!)
12.00 lunch

8.00 am – about 5 pm

9 am – 12 am
Workshops II
(Be on time!)
10 am  Comenius-
    Coordinator Meeting

12 am Group photo
 (in front of Mensa)

12.30 am Lunch    
7.50 am – 8.35 am
Lessons at school
9.00 Goodbye –

From 10 am on:

Enjoy your day!

DK >
10 am


Arrival in Schleswig:

IT / DK:
about 1.30 p.m.
DK  > 5 p.m.

1 pm– 3.30 pm:
Workshops I
(Be on time!)
3.30 p.m.-4.00 p.m. Coffee Break (Mensa)

4 pm – about 17.30
Presentation of DK/ RO/ TK/ IT/ D Comenius projects

Full day excursion

(with picnic and a snack on board of the ship)

2 pm  – 3.30 pm
     Workshops I+II  

 4 pm – pm
International Schleswig Duck Race


- Lübeck
- Haithabu
- Schloss Gottorf/  
- Globus SL
- Sylt
- Husum
- Flensburg
Visit Hamburg
Before leaving home!


7 pm : Teachers’dinner
Host families

7.30 pm – ab. 22 pm   Theatre: Hamlet

7.30 pm :   Buffet                
8.30 pm– 12 pm:
DS – Disco
(Mensa DS)

7 pm –  21.15 pm     
DS -Choir:
Bridge Songs

Farewell evening teachers
Farewell evening pupils (individual)

Su.,21.4. (!)

The final meeting was a lot of fun. The Germans had planned some very interesting activities, but also it was nice to meet everyone again.

We took a lot of pictures:

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