venerdì 18 novembre 2011


DK: technological aspect (exhibition/ the construction of a bridge)
IT: historical-cultural aspect (bridge as pathway from the past to the present)
TK: symbolical meaning (migration)
D: ecological and economical aspect
Presentation of the project in each partner school; forming of project groups and distribution of tasks for each work group, first contacts between partner schools via internet etc.
Sept. 2011
All partners

1st project meeting among the respective Comenius coordinators:
discussion and (re)defining the special activities of the project, establishing the definite schedule (activities, mobilities, work groups etc)
Dal 25 al 29 Oct 2011

The coordinators partner

Publication of the project’s profile on each school’s website.
Contact between the pupils from each school with facebook group creation of Blog.
- Cr
Nov. 2011
All partners

Each school seeks a bridge (painting,architecture etc.) which the school identifies with and which stands for the objectives of the projects (competition to be judged by a commission comprising students and teachers )
Gen. 2012
All partners
2nd  project meeting:
Visit of the school and town, meeting with (Comenius) teachers and students, Exhibition of paintings, drawings, photos, collages about the topic “The Bridge over troubled water” regarding the objectives of the projects.
Dal 16 al 20 Apr. 2012

All partners
-Compilation of a guidebook in Italian English and French, giving a brief tourist
itinerary which reflects the concept “ Where do we come from? Migration of the past ”
“ The future has an ancient heart ”
A journey into the historical, social and cultural reality of the ancient city of Naples.
-Compilation of a CD in English (synthesis of the various CDs produced )
- Participation in the national competition “ Our Italy”.
Apr. 2012
Preparations of an exhibition of paintings, drawings, photos, collages about the topic “The Bridge over troubled water”
“ The hopes and fears for our future”
“  Who we really are and where we are going ”
Sept. 2012
All partners
Illustration of the project to the Institute’s teachers and students, and associations and local organizations involved.
Oct. 2012
All partners
3nd project meeting:
Evaluation of the project’s progress; school  visit, didactic visits connected with
project, Exhibition of paintings, drawings, photos, collages about the topic “The Bridge over troubled water” regarding regarding:
“ The hopes and fears for our future”
“  Who we really are and where we are going ”
For 22  to 26 oct. 2012
All partners
4nd project meeting:
Evaluation, visit of school, documentary visit of the town, meeting teachers and students, presentation of the results of the questionnaire, cultural show, travelling exhibition
For 25 feb. to 1 mar. 2013

All partners
Collecting of all items (documents,film etc.) of the project so far in order to create a Comenius DVD-portfolio;
Mar 2013

All partners

5nd project meeting:
School visit, meeting of students and teachers, presentation of the project’s DVD,
Exhibition, cultural show “ Stronger in Togetherness”
Final evaluation of project.

dal 15 al 19 Apr 2013

All partners

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